Sunday 27 November 2011

Letra ng Puso ( A letter from the heart)

Dear my Lover,

When i need You,
I know,
I just need to close my eyes and I'm with You.

You're different,
aren't like other else,
You're there,
You're always there,
ya ..
that's only a prayer away .

That's why,
when i think of You all my pain relieved,
my hurtfulness fades,
nor my worries,
all were gone and went away.

You do,
You made me love You yesterday,
and even now,
i love You more !
it grows stronger,
it grows bigger and even deeper each new day .

And for this love,
the love i have for You,

i will stand.


I will bring Your heart,
Your joy and Your compassion wherever I'm .
As well as i know that even You,
You did it all first for me,
I'm in Your eyes EVERY TIME,
You hold my hands EVERYWHERE,
I'm in Your heart FOREVER .
I'm sure :)

I know how You love me,
You've proven it,
willing to be suffered,
rejected, mocked,
and even died,
for me .

for me You died,
You conquered the grave,
and You still in my heart,
You perfect me,
and You said that You are just ' a prayer away ' ..

You will always be mine,
and i always yours.

You're the best and greatest gift that ever given to me,
that till the end of my days in this live,
it won't change ..

It will always be,
I'm Yours forever ..
I dedicated my heart,
my mind and my soul to You,
I'm captivated by You,
I'm captured !

All the time,
You are everything that i want,
Through all this 'little sharp rocks' that this world offer,
I know You would never make me face this life alone,
for You will always be there for me,
till the end of this temporary time You will never let me go alone,

Thank You for always hold me with Your arms,
guiding me in all my path,
hugging me with Your warm love,
for all the countless things You had given,
thanks for all SURPRISES,
in everyday in my life,
You coloured all,

You do everything well,
everything works for good :)

I believe,
You're all i need .

I believe,
You're with me ..
nothing can separate us,

I love You.

Sincerely Yours,
Christella Vionasari

- My love letter for my lovely Partner,
for My Heavenly Father ..

Jesus Christ :)


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